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How high can the precision of laser precision cutting be?In what industries are it mainly used?

Laser precision cutting is one of the most accurate, fastest and best quality precision cutting methods. Whether it is fiber laser for cutting metal, or CO2 and ultraviolet laser for cutting non-metallic materials, it can achieve precision processing of about 0.01~0.05mm, which has become one of the irreplaceable processing methods in many industries.

The accuracy of laser precision cutting depends on many aspects, including equipment stability, control system algorithm, laser light quality, motor and transmission system sensitivity, material surface roughness, etc. For most precision laser cutting equipment, the accuracy can usually reach within 0.05mm. After special process adjustment, the equipment can control the accuracy to about 0.01mm, or even higher.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

The application range of laser precision cutting is very wide, such as:

1. Metal filter cutting

The filter used in high-end scientific research equipment has very strict requirements on the aperture. A 10 cm long and wide filter may be covered with thousands of tiny filter holes below 0.01mm, which requires very high-precision processing equipment to complete. Precision laser cutting equipment can easily complete similar tasks and is more efficient than other processing methods.

2. Processing of metal medical devices

Medical devices used for implantation in the human body are usually very small, such as heart stents. Due to the importance of life safety, such processing must be accurate and error-free. Precision laser cutting is one of the most commonly used processing methods for the production of such medical devices. Since laser is non-contact processing and has small thermal deformation, the processed products are more stable and have less impact on the human body.

3. Processing of micro-circuit boards

With the continuous development of semiconductor technology, modern electronic products have more and more integrated functions, and the circuit board structure is becoming more and more complex, and the technical requirements for circuit board production are also getting higher and higher. Laser cutting is originally one of the commonly used circuit board processing technologies. Faced with micro-circuit boards with higher requirements, laser precision cutting has naturally become an alternative to ordinary laser cutting.

4. Cutting of ceramic materials

Ceramics are a very wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and high-temperature resistant material, which is widely used in electronics, chemical industry, medical and other fields. Using lasers to perform precision cutting of ceramic materials can achieve multiple advantages such as high efficiency, no deformation, less pollution, controllable shape, and a wide range of applications.

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Fiber Laser Cutting Machine